Abrasion Resistant Lining – Coal Generated Power Plant

Industry: Coal Generated Power

Description of Equipment: Feed Elbows & Coal Pulverizer

Problem: Current lining and tiles were failing in less than 1 year of service.

Solution: Replace current linings with a Thermbond wear and abrasion resistant castable lining.

Product Being Replaced: Alternate abrasion linings, Abrasion tile.

Savings Using New Lining: The new Thermbond lining has outperformed both the original castable lining, as well as the original abrasion tiles. The Thermbond wear and abrasion resistant castable lining is now being expanded throughout the plant.

Products Applied: Thermbond 7000 Series, Thermbond Concrete 602

Method of Installation: Steel mesh welded on to shell and elbows. Thermbond troweled & rammed into place.

Equipment Used: Hobart mixer, air ram, welder, trowel

Scope of Work: Product was mixed on deck level of repairs. Mesh welded into place. Crew simply followed welder and applied as necessary via trowel & air ram
