Complete Lining of Chip Melters

Industry: Aluminum

Description of Equipment: 4 new Chip Melters for US Aluminum Plant

Problem: The end user was looking for a way to extend the lifetime of this type of melting furnace. The previous products used in this type of furnace were not holding up to their expectations. Chemical attack from the chips used in this furnace along with severe mechanical abuse made the use of a high strength, non-wetting, castable material critical for this application.

Solution: Four new chip melters were ordered and were fully lined with Thermbond Formula 2104-L. Formula 2104-L has a higher strength against mechanical attack and is more chemically resistant compared to previously used products in this type of application.

Product Being Replaced: No previous products being replaced, as this is the first new full lining to the chip melters.

Savings Using Thermbond: Thermbond will allow a longer lifetime for the chip melters because of its strength against mechanical abuse, superior non-wetting properties, and resistance to corundum growth.

Products Applied: 1060 units of Thermbond Formula 2104-L

Method of Installation: Casting/Vibrated

Equipment Used: Paddle mixer, vibration

Scope of Work: 4” insulation board placed, anchors placed, form work placed, and 5” of Formula 2104-L cast at a depth of 5” to the floor and sidewalls.
