FCCU Flue Gas Slide Valve

Industry: Refining

Description of Equipment: Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) Flue Gas Slide Valve

Problem: Conventional erosion resistant materials did not provide the desired reliability and long term performance in this challenging service environment.

Solution: Thermbond Formula 12-L as specified by the end user based on proven success in other hex-mesh applications requiring erosion and thermal shock resistance.

Product Being Replaced: None. This was a new slide valve to be installed in a Gulf Coast USA refinery.

Products Applied: Thermbond Formula 12-L

Method of Installation: Ramming

Equipment Used: Hobart Type-Mixer and Pneumatic ramming gun

Scope of Work: Thermbond Formula 12-L rammed into hex-mesh stainless steel 1″ thick

Installation Date: September 2014

Follow Up: Continue dialogue with end user. Minimum 5 year run before next inspection scheduled for 2020.
