Iron & Steel Tundish Floor & Wall Repair

Industry: Steel

Description of Equipment: Iron or steel tundish

Problem: Conventional refractory failed before next anticipated turnaround requiring a full reline of tundish. Additional wear-and-tear repairs are done as needed.

Solution: Thermbond Formula 6-L reduced required downtime for tundish repairs, and bonds to existing refractory surfaces, negating full reline requirements – allowing customer to opt for minor repairs.

Product Being Replaced: Conventional Refractory

Savings Using Thermbond: Thermbond Formula 6-L eliminated the need to heat and cure the relined/repaired tundish.

Products Applied: Thermbond Formula 6-L

Method of Installation: Troweling

Equipment Used: Industrial rotary sander/polisher with adjustable speeds

Scope of Work: Thermbond Formula 6-L was mixed cold with Thermbond Formula Activator. Product was then applied to walls and floor with a depth ranging from 1-3 inches.

Installation Date: November 2017
