20 May Rotary Kiln Nose Ring Repair
Industry: Cement
Description of Equipment: Nose ring of cement kiln
Problem: Spalling of existing lining happened after just a few months, reducing service time of furnace.
Solution: Thermbond 7229 offered great thermal stability and high abrasion resistance.
Product Being Replaced and Repaired: Precast shapes manufactured with conventional castables
Savings Using Thermbond: Re-heat of the furnace was faster and easier to achieve than with conventional materials. Installation of 7229 will allow the furnace to operate for one year without doing additional repairs.
Products Applied: Thermbond 7229
Method of Installation: Casting & Vibrating
Equipment Used: Paddle mixer, needle vibrator, steel forms
Scope of Work: Product was installed at 300mm depth on the full perimeter of the kiln– 5-meter diameter.
Installation Date: February 2018
Follow Up: After more than 1 year the 7229 is still in operation. We expect to get at least 2 years of service before a reline is necessary. Due to this successful installation the customer installed an additional 90 tons of Thermbond 7229 and 7206 during their shutdown in 2019.