30 Apr Thermbond Insulating Solutions – Installation in Reheat Furnace
Industry: Steel
Description of Equipment: Walking-beam reheat furnace.
Problem: The existing dense refractory lining deteriorated contributing to significant maintenance costs and energy losses.
Solution: Complete replacement of hard refractory material with PCW panels. Castables tend to crack and spall over time requiring regular patching and maintenance. The insulating lining will not deteriorate like dense castable. This translates into a significant reduction in maintenance costs for the customer.
Product Being Replaced: Conventional dense refractory lining
Savings: Customer saved two weeks of downtime with Thermbond Insulating Solutions. The much higher insulating value of the PCW panels greatly reduced energy losses through the roof and allows the furnace to operate more efficiently with uniform heat distribution and reduced over-firing. Long-term maintenance savings are also expected.
Products Applied: Thermbond Insulating Solutions PCW Panels
Method of Installation: Hoist system was used to lift and place panels in the ceiling, and drywall supports were used to position ceiling panels during welding process.
Equipment Used: Hoists, drywall supports, welding equipment
Scope of Work: PCW panels were welded onto the superstructure once old refractory material was removed.