Thermbond Insulating Solutions Reduces Furnace Downtime

Industry: Aluminum

Description of Equipment: Exhaust Flue Duct

Problem: Customer was experiencing furnace down time due to failure of Flue Duct lined with conventional refractory. Failure was due to extreme temperatures and chemical attack which caused unscheduled down time to replace unit.

Solution: Thermbond Insulating Solutions provides resistance to extreme temperatures and chemical attack.

Product Being Replaced: Conventional refractory lining

Savings Using Thermbond: Thermbond Insulating Solutions significantly reduced the downtime and maintenance over the life cycle of the lining. At 1.5 years longer than the previous lining Thermbond PCW still looks new and requires no maintenance.

Products Applied: Thermbond Insulating Solutions

Method of Installation: Anchors welded in place and stack block construction of PCW material.

Equipment Used: 240 VAC electric welder, soap stone, rawhide hammer, cutting knives, 12” x ½” metal pipe

Scope of Work: Thermbond Engineering designed the compressed PCW lining and anchoring system to achieve maximum life for this specific environment.

Scope of Work: June 2016
