10 May Thermbond’s Insulating Solution Exceeds Life of Conventional Lining by 7 Times

Industry: Steel
Description of Equipment: Turret Ladle Lid
Problem: Castable lining was failing quarterly
Solution: High Wire perimeter, MAFTEC™ TM interior lining. High-wire shapes zoned to take significant impact abuse area and hold lining under compression without any cracking or movement. MAFTEC™ TM technology does not shrink when exposed to the molten steel radiant heat – no cracking or spalling as the lining resists thermal shock and thermal cycling.
Product Being Replaced: Dense Castable
Savings Using Thermbond: The new lining lasted beyond 20 months, 7 times the old lining life. Costs for materials, downtime and manpower were recovered within 6 months.
Products Applied: High wire perimeter cast shapes, MAFTEC™ TM
Equipment Used: Welder, overhead crane (High Wire)
Scope of Work: We guided the customer’s installation team during lifting and installing the high wire shapes and then installing the modules. Completed in 1 day.
For additional information on this installation, please contact Industry Specialist Brendan Gallagher at [email protected].